Makeup tips for the Bride

5:31 AM

Hi everyone.
Today, we'll be talking about maintaining a cordial relationship between the bride and her makeup artist. You have the dress, the asooke and beads are all set and you've chosen a hairstyle, but what about your make-up? Here are a few tips that will ensure you look picture perfect when walking down the aisle to say ‘I-do’!

1. Your skin is the main foundation to looking effortlessly beautiful. To get that glowing, fresh-faced look, there are a few things to consider a few weeks prior to your wedding day. A skin care plan should be started about 2 months before the wedding. Have regular facials. If you've never had one, now it's the time to start. Drink loads of water. That cannot be over-emphasized. Exercise. You don't have to be a gym rat, but regular exercise helps rejuvenate your skin. Consume a lot of fruits too. If you can, quench your appetite for soda with fruit smoothies.. they are way more refreshing!
2. Still on this skin matter. If you are dark skinned, honey, stay dark skinned. Now is not the time to tone/brighten/bleach your skin. A lot of things could go wrong. I'm sure you won't want patches and skin discoloration on your face for the big day. If you were a dark skinned babe before but now Light skinned, sweetheart, now is not the time to change your ways. My advise is whatever lightening creams you have been using please continue to use in the same proportions you are used to. No more no less. Now is not the time to try new products or take your bleaching skills to the next level. Also, please let your toning/bleaching be even. You don't want a yellow face, brown ears and a black neck. Corrective makeup will cost you more.

3. Don’t forget the importance of Body-Mind-Spirit. What’s going on inside is just as important as looking good. As you know preparing for a wedding is very stressful and if you are not looking after yourself by not getting enough sleep or not eating properly it will without a doubt show on your face! Try having a relaxing massage once a week for a month and if you can find time,a day before the wedding.

4. When you have decided on a make-up artist, organise a trial around 3 weeks  before the wedding. Now, like I always tell my clients, a makeup trial is not to measure makeup artist's skills. Before you decide on a makeup artist, do your research. Thank God for Instagram and Facebook, it won't take you much to go through their past works and see if this MUA can best interpret the look you want. A makeup trial is for you and your MUA to brainstorm and decide what look, colors is best for you based on your skin, outfits of the day and your own personality. It helps eliminate trial and error on the d-day which in turn saves both of you a lot of time and stress.
Have pictures from magazines to show the make-up artist various looks that appeal to you. Aunty, if you have the skin color of Mercy Johnson, don't bring pictures of Dencia. You want to stay as realistic as possible. As lovely as a smokey look would look on a light skinned person, it will most definitely look different on you if you are dark skinned. So, get pictures of people as close to your look as possible, then your makeup artist will take it from there.
Mention if you have any skin problems or allergies etc or if there are any particular ways you wear your make-up.

5. Delegate. You can't do everything by yourself. Even if you are a perfectionist or a control freak you still have to delegate. Your skin is a reflection of what goes on inside so if you are stressed, no photoshop in this world can hide it. Often times, when you are about to get married, friends and family members always want to help do and run errands for you. Take advantage, you might not get another opportunity to use them like that. Your chief bridesmaid isn't not just there to witness the event, make good use of her. If you can't, get another.

6. Surround yourself with positive people. These people help you see the good in everything even when things go a bit awry. You don't want friends or people who will add agitation to your already nervous self. If your folks are the kind who don't see the need to "paint your face" or who wants to get to church 2 hrs before the ceremony starts, Sister get a hotel. You know that friend, who knows everything about everything..give her space. You don't want anyone looking for faults in everything you or your makeup artist does. 

7. When looking for hotels to stay for your wedding, please bear in mind to look for hotels that have rooms with good lighting and preferably white walls. Good lighting helps your makeup artist a lot while the white walls would help make your pictures come out better.

8. Give your make-up artist the right time to arrive as early as possible and allow plenty of time to get the job done. Brides, please learn to keep to time...keeping your makeup artist waiting for hours for you to get ready for her is not only rude but will also cost you more..Most makeup artists charge you for their time too. Besides, the last thing you want is to be rushed on your wedding day.

9. If your makeup artist is not staying for touch ups (most times, you ought to have come to an agreement with your makeup artist as this might cost you extra),  Ask your friend or one of your bridesmaids to carry a powder compact, tissues and lipstick for touch ups during the day.

However, the most important tip you shouldn’t forget is to have fun, Your wedding is a once in a life time event. Go out and have a blast!!!

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